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Lash & Brow Enhancing Serum

Make both your lashes & brows appear thicker and fuller over time.
Prevent your lashes & brows from sparse and short.
Help Strengthen and hydrate your lashes&brow with a hair growth active ingredient.


Similarly to the hair on your head, your lash & brow hairs are likely to become fragile or weakened due to skin irritation and other reasons.
The enhancing serum can strengthen, hydrate the tiny hairs, and prevent them from breaking.

How to Use:

  1. Use the applicator to comfortably reach small areas between lashes and into the lash line.
  2. Then, apply it to your brows.
  3. Use in the morning and at night.
  4. You will love how long and healthy your lashes & brow look with it!
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 Before & After enhancing serum

Before & After use-01

(The actual situation may be influenced by the growth cycle of hair, metabolism, and daily habits.)

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